Agenda and minutes

Venue: Parliament Hill Conference Room, Parliament Hill Staff Yard, Parliament Hill Fields, Hampstead Heath, NW5 1QR

Contact: Leanne Murphy  Email:

No. Item




Apologies were received from Cindy Galvin (Robert Spigel attended to represent Heath Hands), John Etheridge (John Hunt attended to represent the South End Green Association), Harunur Rashid (Black and Minority Ethnic Communities representative) and Rezina Hakim (Leonard Cheshire Disability).

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Declarations by Members of Any Personal and Prejudicial Interests in Respect of Items on This Agenda


There were none.

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Minutes pdf icon PDF 107 KB

To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 11 February 2019.

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The public minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2019 were approved as a correct record subject to an amendment on page 6.

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Report of the Town Clerk.

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Members noted the various outstanding actions and the update provided thereon.


The Chairman advised that all actions were complete or covered on the agenda. With regards to Action 1 to identify a representative to represent people with a physical disability, the Chairman confirmed that Rezina Hakim from Leonard Cheshire Disability had been appointed to the Committee but was unable to attend her first meeting.


Concerning Action 2, Members were advised that Officers would be approaching the Camden Schools education Panel and Le Swap in an attempt to find representation of schools on the Committee.

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To receive the public minutes of the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen's Park Committee meeting held on 13 March 2019.

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The public minutes of the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Committee (HHHWQPC) meeting held on 13 March 2019 were received.


In response to a query from a Member (Hampstead Garden Suburb Residents' Association) regarding Brexit, the Director of Open Spaces confirmed that the Corporation was responsible for the supervision of container ports and Brexit potentially brought concerns regarding plant material and animals. The Corporation will continue to work with DEFRA to manage risks imports from Europe.


With regards to grant aid, Members were advised that this issue affected all of the Corporation’s Opens Spaces; however, DEFRA has agreed to offer the same grant aid following Brexit.


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Hampstead Heath Sports Advisory Forum Minutes pdf icon PDF 91 KB

To receive the public minutes of the Hampstead Heath Sports Advisory Forum meeting held on 4 February 2019.

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 6.


The public minutes of the Hampstead Heath Sports Advisory Forum meeting held on 4 February 2019 were received.


Members were advised that there was a push to increase the membership of the Forum to include a wider representation of sports clubs.


It was noted that discussions focussed on the review of the Lido including difficulties caused by hot seasonal weather and higher obesity and health demand. The Chairman noted that there had been an approach regarding a group playing Korfball on the Heath and a trend in approached for other new activities was expected.

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Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.

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Members considered an update report of the Superintendent and the following points were made:


Fundamental Review


·        The Director of Open Spaces advised Members that the Corporation had a huge ambition for London as a world city requiring significant investment. It was noted that due to the significant capital expense from a number of key large-scale projects currently coming through the Corporation, all projects that were not yet at Gateway 5 would be reviewed under new criteria as part of a fundamental review of revenue and projects.


·        Members were advised that central government would also be reviewing spending and funding over the next three years which was unlikely to be favourable for the City due to the rebasing of current business rates and a loss of government funding.


·        The Director of Open Spaces stated that the Corporation was considering borrowing money for the first time and that the fundamental review would impact every capital project decision going forward which meant that innovation was required.


·        In response to a comment from a Member regarding the difference between City Cash and City Funds, Members were advised that City Cash, which provides investment funds outside of Local Authority funding, is under the same financial pressures as the City Fund. It was expected that both would further depreciate over the next few years and the Chamberlain’s department was working on figures to accommodate the pressures.


Humanitarian Aid Workers Memorial proposal – Kenwood Estate


·         The Superintendent sought Member’s views on a proposal to install a memorial sculpture within the grounds of the Kenwood Estate which would be visible from the Heath.


·         This was discussed at the Committee walk on Saturday 27 April during which Members were shown the proposed site for the sculpture.


·         Dr Jeremy Ashbee provided context for the cultivation of the memorial. The criteria

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Appendix 1 - Hampstead Heath High Level Asset Management Plan pdf icon PDF 216 KB


Members considered the Hampstead Heath High-Level Asset Management Plan 2018-2021 and the following comments were made:


·         Members were advised that the Plan covered all City of London Corporation Open Spaces setting out all key projects and the framework would constantly evolve over time as necessary.


·         Emphasis was given to the ambition to ensure “buildings and facilities that are fit for purpose, sustainable, support effective delivery of services and optimise efficiencies and value for money” as key to the strategic framework.


·         In response to a query (Mansfield Conservation Area Advisory Committee & Neighbourhood Association Committee) regarding retail spaces, Members were advised that something similar to the Visitor Engagement Centre in Epping Forest would provide an opportunity to sell merchandise. A Member (Highgate Society) noted the great range on offer at the London Wetlands Shop.


·         The Chairman felt that “retail” was the wrong wording and requested that the wording be changed to “visitor, engagement and education centre” be added to this paragraph.


·         A Member (Mansfield Conservation Area Advisory Committee &

Neighbourhood Association Committee) queried what site was planned for the relocation of Heathfield House office accommodation. Members were advised that the footfall at a number of sites were being considered, e.g. the stores area at Parliament Hill Staff Yard which were not being used, and that there was real need to reconfigure spaces and buildings to make them fit for purpose. Members were pleased that there was no intention to increase the footfall.


·         A Member (Friends of Kenwood) was concerned that the project concerning waste, which was very expensive, would not be considered a priority by 2021/22 due to the fundamental review and funding constraints. The Superintendent confirmed that being more waste efficient remained a priority and the Team would continue to progress with the planned schemes.


·         A Member (Hampstead Garden Suburb Residents' Association)

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 7a


Appendix 2 - Open Spaces Learning Team Play Principles pdf icon PDF 66 KB


Members considered the Open Spaces Learning Team Play Principles and the following comments were made:


·         Members were advised that the acronym SSOW stood for safe system of work.


·         A Member (London Council for Recreation and Sport) felt that a section was needed regarding safeguarding which was particularly important when discussing children’s area.


·         A Member (Hampstead Conservation Area Advisory Committee) felt the document was too wordy and recommended reducing the report content.


·         It was suggested (Highgate Society) that the Principles should focus on providing children with the maximum natural world experience.  




 ...  view the full minutes text for item 7b


Appendix 3 - Event application Review - Zippo's Circus pdf icon PDF 138 KB


Members considered an event application for Zippo’s Circus concerning a proposed circus event at the Heath and the following comments were made:


·         Members were advised that this proposed event to take place on 20-28 October 2019 had been reviewed and supported by the Officer Event Group (OEG) and was being brought to the Committee for feedback as a medium/large event as per the Events Policy Part 2.


·         In response to concerns regarding animals following protests in the past, Members were advised that the only animals which would be used within the programme were budgerigar guards.


·         The South End Green Association were in general support for this event noting that the event managers had proven themselves in responding to concerns and had kept their promises.


·         Members were generally supportive of this event.




 ...  view the full minutes text for item 7c


Appendix 4 - Event application Review - London Youth Games pdf icon PDF 129 KB


Members considered an event application for the London Youth Games concerning a proposed cross-country event at the Heath and the following comments were made:


·         Members were advised that this proposed event to take place on 16 November 2019 had been reviewed and supported by the Officer Event Group (OEG) and was being brought to the Committee for feedback as a medium/large event as per the Events Policy Part 2.


·         A Member (Hampstead Garden Suburb Residents' Association) voiced concern regarding the area being used for this event. It was noted that each event was managed into areas and it was agreed that future event application reviews would include a map of the areas.


·         Members were advised that damage and erosion were being carefully managed and that the route could be shifted slightly.




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Appendix 5 - Vale of Health Play Area Concept Design pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Members considered the concept designs for the Vale of Health Playground and Preachers Hill Playground. The following comments were made:


·         Members were advised that £35k in funding had been sourced to fund the project management and materials involved with the play area improvements.


·         Members were supportive of the improvements, the use of boulders and introduction of picnic areas.


·         Members were happy with the natural approach and reusing of existing play equipment rather than introducing a new, large statement piece.    


·         A Member (Mansfield Conservation Area Advisory Committee & Neighbourhood Association Committee) was supportive of the planting provided that they were not too high preventing parents from seeing their children playing.


·         The Superintendent stated that these were early concept designs and more developed designs would be circulated to Members by email for feedback.




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Appendix 6 - Preachers Hill Playground Concept Design pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Members considered the concept design for the Preachers Hill Playground and the following comments were made:




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Appendix 7 - Open Spaces Learning Team - highlights pdf icon PDF 45 KB


Members noted the highlights update from the Open Spaces Department Learning Team.




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Verbal update from Heath Hands.

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Members received a verbal update from Heath Hands concerning community Heath highlights and the following comments were made:


·         Corporation staff were thanked for their ongoing support.


·         A record number of volunteers (245 people) had joined Heath Hands in the last year.


·         Heath Hands has worked to align itself with the City of London’s Strategy (I think he means either Hampstead Heath Management Strategy or the Corporate Plan but not sure) regarding diversity and challenge the perception of the Heath being “old and white”. It was noted that 18% of volunteers were now under 26 years old and nearly 40% were under the age of 40. BAME volunteer representation had been tripled to 15%. A variety of outreach programmes had been developed especially for vulnerable groups, e.g. a recovery through nature programme and an all-women’s programme.   


·         A Member (Mansfield Conservation Area Advisory Committee & Neighbourhood Association Committee) suggested reaching out to the Extinction Rebellion group for volunteers.




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There were two questions:


Parliament Hill


A Member noted that the view from Parliament Hill had disappeared due to a recent bloom of leaves on trees. The Superintendent advised that a project regarding views was included within the Management Strategy which involved mapping views and impacts on ecology and the landscape and had begun before there were leaves on the trees. This project would be progressed once the OPM nest removal and spraying project was completed.  


150th Anniversary


Members were advised that for the 150tth anniversary of (didn’t catch this), the Heath had been approached to incorporate another cross-country event, likely in September to match other European Championships. It was noted that this would be an expensive event requiring significant sponsorship and support and the Leisure & Events Manager was awaiting a response detailing these factors.



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Any Other Business That the Chairman Considers Urgent pdf icon PDF 155 KB


There was one item of AOB:


COL Sport and Physical Activity Strategy 2019-23


Members considered a supplementary report of the Head of Corporate Strategy and Performance providing Members with the proposed final version of the City of

London Corporation’s Sport and Physical Activity Strategy for 2019-2023. The following points were made:


·         The Chairman advised Members that the Strategy went to the Health and Wellbeing Board on 26 April 2019 who expressed disappointment.


·         A Member (London Council for Recreation and Sport) felt the Strategy was principally about the Square Mile and City of London residents.


·         It was suggested by a Member (Representative of Clubs using facilities on the Heath) that the Strategy was passive rather than reactive.


·         A Member noted the vague economic comments regarding investment in sport and felt that quantification was needed to show the benefits.  


·         It was noted that the Sports Advisory Group was not listed despite providing feedback on the Strategy.


·         The Chairman confirmed that they would write to the report authors to express that the Committee did not feel the Strategy went far enough or adequately covered all of the Corporation’s Open Spaces.







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Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting is 8 July 2019 at 7.00 pm.

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The date of the next meeting on 8 July 2019 at 7.00pm was noted.


The Chairman listed a number of other important dates:

·         8 May – Affordable Arts Fair

·         6 July – Night of 10,000m PB’s

·         14 July – Give it a Go

·         11 September - Heath and Hampstead Society party at 5-8pm – is this relevant as this follows the Grand Committee not HHCC? Are all Members invited?

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.