Agenda item



Action to agree a protocol to ensure that any matter referred to either the Chief Commoner or Chairman of GP Aldermen informally be acknowledged and responded to in a reasonable period

The Chair referred to an email sent by an elected Member to all Members of the Standards Committee questioning what progress had been made on agreeing a protocol to ensure that any matter referred to either the Chief Commoner or Chairman of GP Alderman informally be acknowledged and responded to in a reasonable period, as recommended by an Assessment Sub-Committee on 3 December 2019 by way of other action. She went on to report that, as far as the Protocol is concerned, it had been agreed at a meeting attended by her, the Chief Commoner, Chairman of GP Aldermen and a Co-optee and was already in operation. She clarified that the approach agreed did not need formal approval but that she had, nevertheless asked for it to be circulated to Committee.


Members were informed that this was going to be the subject of a formal report, but uncertainty about whether this meeting was to take place and Officers prioritising Covid-19 response work meant there wasn’t time sufficient time to prepare such a report.