Agenda item

Covid-19 Update

Oral update on the latest position.


The Committee received a verbal update from the Superintendent relating to issues and matters concerning the Covid-19 pandemic. The following comments were made:


·         The Superintendent gave thanks the now Deputy Chairman on behalf of the Team for her support during her chairmanship.


·         The Superintendent thanked all staff for their ongoing hard work throughout the lockdown to keep Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park open to the public as they had become of more significant importance to the physical and mental health of all that used it. It was noted that just the local communities were using the open spaces at the beginning of the lockdown which had been much easier to manage and share safety protocol with the public. However, since 13 May 2020, the numbers were now significantly larger, and waste was a key issue.  


·         Regarding communications, social media remained a quick and proactive way of engaging with the public and receiving information about incidents on the ground.


·         All of the Heath’s carparks have been opened to the public and discussions continue with the NHS for a phased withdrawal from the Fairground site.


·         Waste and recycling continue to be a huge issue and was now considered an emergency response requiring £18k. Messaging has continued to call on the public to take their rubbish home.  


·         A Member highlighted that litter was a huge issue across all of the City Corporation’s Open Spaces with lots of people being at home/not at school/the desire to go out/alcohol/etc creating a “perfect storm”. Staff on the ground were commended for all of their efforts; however, the Member did not feel that staff should be responsible for clearing up the huge quantities of rubbish left every day which was a big commitment and suggested banning bins completely.


·         The Member felt the public needed to be educated that the City Corporation would not provide an endless capacity for them to bring more demands on staff and encouraged the start of a new process. Members were reminded that bins were removed at the beginning of lockdown and there will still some removed in some areas. The Superintendent advised that a report was in development providing five potential options (including the suggested no bins) concerning the City Corporation’s strategy on waste. The Member mentioned that this was a severe health and safety issue and that a no bins strategy had been introduced elsewhere.        


·         The Chair stated that waste and litter were not new issues and would likely get worse in August as it would be busier from people not going on holiday.


·         A Member thanked staff on behalf of the Heath & Hampstead Society and saw the current restrictions as a good opportunity to revisit the litter/waste strategy as changes were already being implemented.


·         A Member noted the early pressure to close all open spaces at the beginning of the lockdown and congratulated staff on keeping them open with skeleton staff in place. The Member queried if there were enough staff in place and was advised that there had been significant reliance on staff members close to sites. The workforce was gradually being brought back except those shielding and were operating as two separate teams to allow for minimal contact. A review of the emergency roster would take place on 4 July.  


·         In response to a query concerning the opening of all carparks encouraging more people, Officers confirmed that there had not been a dramatic change in numbers and it was beneficial as people were now not parking in surrounding streets and an income stream had been restored.  


·         The Superintendent stated that cycling was an ongoing challenge as this was affecting the ecology. The Team have continued to roll out changes including new signage and where people are permitted to cycle, and redeployed lifeguards have increased patrols to engage with cyclists.


·         Members were advised that the Cafés had opened offering a takeaway service only which had received a mixed response. Also, sports including the tennis courts, athletics track, bowls and croquet were available and taking online bookings.


·         The Constabulary have continued to engage with people not adhering to social distancing regulations. Members were advised that yesterday at 4.30pm large groups of approximately 200 youths were gathered a Parliament Hill and clashed with the Police presence already on site dealing with robberies in the area. To deal with fights that broke out, officers from other local boroughs came to help deal with the huge Covid-19 restrictions breech leading to six arrests. An order was put in place until 5am the following morning.


·         Members commended the great response from the constabulary and support from other areas but were concerned that similar incidents would occur across the Corporation’s Open Spaces. A Member queried if a complete ban on alcohol was possible and Officers confirmed this was particularly difficult to enforce in open areas. It was acknowledged that most alcohol consumption by the public was considerate as part of picnics.    


·         The Superintendent noted that contractors had completed a second OPM spray of trees and today reported that there were 60 nests at Highgate Wood, one in Queen’s Park and numbers were not yet confirmed that Hampstead Heath but were likely to be high. It was feared that the high winds and rain may have affected the spray.  


·         Following a question about the spread of Giant Asian Hornets, Officers confirmed that these were not yet present in the UK but there was concern that they would come.


·         The Chair reminded Members that a Countryfile episode featuring the Heath would air on Sunday 7 June.