Agenda item

Questions on matters relating to the Work of the Sub-Committee


There were three questions:-


Project London

A Member asked a question concerning the City Corporation’s engagement to help promote London’s status beyond Brexit. The Policy Chair asked the Director of Innovation and Growth to provide Members of the Public Relations and Economic Development Sub Committee an update on the work around “Project London”, undertaken in partnership with Oliver Wyman, at its next meeting.


Assistance to Investment Tenants Paper

The Chair of the Property Investment Board asked for an explanation as to why the paper concerning Assistance to Investment Tenants was circulated so late and why it was only marked for information. The Clerk explained that, despite receiving a paper on assistance to operational tenants in time for agenda publication, this particular paper had only been received two working days ago. Following a conversation with the Chair and Depuy Chairman of Resource Allocation Sub-Committee, and following confirmation from the Chamberlain that a delay on decision would not affect the quarter, it was agreed that this paper would be put to the Resource Allocation Sub-Committee for information at this stage with the full decision to be made at its meeting on the 18 September.


Member Return to Guildhall

The Chair of the Establishment Committee advised the Sub-Committee that he had received notice of a question to be put to him at the next Court of Common Council meeting, relating to the lack of Member involvement in decisions concerning their return to the Guildhall. The Town Clerk explained that the situation was fluid, and communication to Members was happening as regularly as possible. He also assured the Sub-Committee that work was being carried out at pace to fit out the committee rooms for hybrid meetings, as well as bringing staff back to the office.