Agenda item

Appointment of Reference Sub - Committee

To appoint a Reference Sub Committee (Interview Panel) to select a child for the Corporation’s 2014 Presentation to Christ’s Hospital.


[NB: Interviews will take place from 2.00pm today]


Members proceeded to appoint a Reference Sub-Committee for the interviews that would be taking place later on the 22 November 2013.


The Town Clerk advised that in previous years the Reference-Sub Committee had the following composition: -

Chairman of the Committee

Deputy Chairman of the Committee

One other Member of the Committee






The Town Clerk asked Members to indicate their willingness to serve and Ian Seaton being the only Member present wishing to serve on the Reference Sub-Committee, was duly appointed.


RESOLVED – That the Reference Sub-Committee composition be approved with the following Membership: -


Deputy Henry Pollard (Chairman)

Marianne Fredericks (Deputy Chairman)

Ian Seaton