Agenda item

Review of the 2014/15 Work Programme

Verbal update by Head Ranger for West Wickham and Coulsdon Commons.



The Senior Ranger introduced a presentation to the Committee on the 2014/15 Work Plan:


Tree Inspections

Four rangers had completed a Professional Tree Inspector course to bring tree safety inspections in house.


Oak Processionary Moth surveys

Owing to a rise in moth population in nearby areas, the Forestry Commission would be carrying out a winter survey on the Common, the results of which would be circulated in March/April.


Heathland restoration on West Wickham Common

This was a key project which was progressing well thanks to help from volunteers.



Six-monthly reviews of infrastructure continued, with green woodworking skills used for improvements.



Hedges around the car park had been lowered, new signage put up, and the car park was being closed after dark; Members noted that this would be more welcoming for visitors as well as deterring anti-social behaviour.



A decade of the WWaSP volunteering had been celebrated this year; the Chairman expressed his thanks to all those involved.


Small-Leaved Lime Project
Year two of the project had been completed; 35 tonnes of lumber had cleared by heavy horses, and the area had re-established and restored itself quickly.


Community Engagement

Education and promotion had been increased, including visits from Wickham Common Primary School and talks to the local community; additional talks had been booked for spring/summer as these had been well attended and well received.


Green Flags

A decade of flying Green Flags had been celebrated this year; the Chairman expressed his thanks to all the volunteers and officers that helped achieve this.