Agenda item

Corporate Transport Policy

Report of the Director of HR and the Director of Transportation and Public Realm


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Director of HR and the Director of Transportation and the Public Realm, detailing the proposals for the application of the Corporate Transport Policy. Officers reported that the policy had been developed in response to an identified risk of staff and members using personal vehicles for Corporation Business. It was noted that the recommendations had been amended to lessen the extent the policy applied to Members.


It was discussed whether aspects of the report were unnecessarily cautious, creating additional responsibilities on members and the administration staff. Officers agreed to review the proposals, with a view of presenting the minimum possible requirements from members that would address the identified risk.  Members asked that examples from similar organisations, including the use of personal transport by School Governors, be investigated as part of the review.


RESOLVED – That Officers undertake to investigate comparable transport policies and that the policy be reviewed with the view of reducing its application to Members.


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