Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 27 November 2015.


The public minutes of the meeting held on 27 November 2016 were considered and approved as a correct record.



Christ’s Hospital – Process for the Presentation of a Child (page 3) – The Chairman reported that the lunch held after this meeting to which all of the City’s presentees were invited would now be an annual event. In order to be able to invite the current year’s presentee along in future, the Chairman proposed a short meeting of the Committee take place ahead of the main meeting in April each year in order to allow Members to make a definitive decision on the presentee for the year in question. Given that acceptances for places offered were not received by the School until the first week in March, it was decided that a short, half hour meeting, take place in mid-March each year to consider the appointment of a presentee only.  


Members stated that, going forward, it would be preferable to be presented with a choice of presentee who matched the City’s criteria. The Head of Admissions, Christ’s Hospital reported that she hoped that this would be possible in future years however, this had not been possible this year. She went on to explain that this year had been quite peculiar in that a number of places offered to candidates who fitted the City’s criteria had declined the offer. Members were informed that candidates often had a lot of choice and that it was not unusual for them to be sitting 6 or 7 different entrance examinations. The Head of Admissions reported that the level of credit card/unsecured debt of some applicants was also a current issue.

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