Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman considers urgent


 There was one item of business:-


Terms of reference of the Social Investment Board and timings of meetings


The Chairman raised the issue of the terms of reference and asked for a report for the Board to consider which recommended the following changes:

  • Co-opted Members to serve a three-year term, rather than four;
  • The composition of the Board to be made up of three Members from the Investment Committee, three Members from the City Bridge Trust Committee, and three Members with social investment expertise from the wider Court of Common Council; and
  • Members of the Board to serve a three-year term, rather than being elected each year.


The Chief Grants Officer and Director of City Bridge Trust advised the Board of the governance review of Bridge Houses Estates that was being undertaken over the Summer months and the Board were in agreement that any changes to the Social Investment Board’s terms of reference and composition should be made to coincide with the results of this review.


The Board were also in agreement that future meetings of the Board should take place over a sandwich lunch.


A Member later added that thought needed to be given to ensure the meeting did not clash with the Finance Committee or any other City Corporation committees.



  • A report of the Town Clerk be submitted to the Board providing options for changes to terms of reference, composition including length of terms, as well as timing of meetings.