Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Out Turn 2015-16

Joint Report of the Chamberlain and Commissioner of Police



The Committee received a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Commissioner of Police detailing the revenue and capital outturn for 2015/16.

The Committee was advised that as a result of higher than expected spending the Force’s 2015/16 revenue outturn required a net transfer from the Police General Reserves of £4.5m.  This represented an overall increase of £1.4m compared to the latest budget approved by the Police Committee in January 2016, which envisaged the need to draw some £3.1m from General Reserves. The impact of this adjustment was a revised balance on the Police General Reserve of £4.1m as at 31 March 2016.

The outturn for the year signified a more challenging position for the Force in light of the need to identify future efficiencies and cost reductions to provide a balanced budget for 2017/18 and 2018/19. The outturn and its implications for future assumptions would inform the review of the medium term financial forecasts, the results of which were due to be reported in September.

The Commissioner reassured the Committee that efficiencies were still being proactively sought and more innovative ways of seeking additional income would be explored.

RESOLVED – That the report be noted.




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