Agenda item

Strategic Policing Requirement Overview Update

Verbal update from the Lead for Strategic Policing Requirement Special Interest Area


The Committee heard an update from the Strategic Policing Requirement Special Interest Area lead on recent developments.


The SIA Lead explained that CoLP was the first Force to employ the STRA process, before it became widely adopted.  He stated that full credit must go to the senior management team, with particular mention of the T/Commander of Operations, Jane Gyford for her work in its execution.


The SIA lead emphasised the importance of not overlooking any actions and outcomes from the process which will lead to the evolution of Policing.  He gave his approval of the process and gave thanks to the CoLP Head of Strategic Development, Stuart Phoenix for updates, illustrating that, since the last HMIC feedback recommended that there were areas requiring improvement, progress has been made.


RESOLVED – That the SIA Lead for the Strategic Policing Requirement Special Interest Area be heard.