Agenda item

2016/17 Budget Monitoring Report for the period ending September 2016

Joint report of the Chamberlain and Commissioner.


The Committee considered a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Commissioner which provided information on the budget position for the Police to end of September 2016. The report advised of an overall increase in the latest budget position of £1.2m above that which had been budgeted for.


The Commissioner explained that one of the budget variances were a reduction in income from the Economic Crime Academy. However, he explained that the Academy was still projected to cover its costs for the year. In addition, it was anticipated that the work currently being undertaken by the Academy would result in an increased income stream, so it would be possible to account for the lost income this year with increased income over the next three years.

The Chamberlain explained that the revised budget position would require a draw down from the Police General Reserve, which would leave the balance at £2.9m as at March 2016. The Chamberlain explained that the policy adopted by the Court of Common Council was that any draw down which reduced the balance of the Reserve to less than £4m would require approval of the Court. Therefore, a report would be submitted to the Committee in December 2016 regarding the budget position.


The Chairman explained that he and the Chairman of the Finance Committee had regular meetings with the Chamberlain and Commissioner to ensure that they were kept up to date on the budget position.


A Member asked whether it was anticipated that there would be additional income from the Business Rate Premium in 2017/18, over that which had been budgeted, due to the increase in Business Rate valuations, and, if so, how much additional income was anticipated from the Premium. The Chamberlain confirmed that it was anticipated that an additional £1.5m to £2m Business Rate Premium income may be received in 2017/18. The Member therefore requested that the Committee be provided with information regarding the Commissioner’s plan for this additional funding, so that the Corporation and Police could demonstrate to Ratepayers that the additional Premium income was being used appropriately. The Commissioner agreed that this could be provided to the Committee in January 2017.


A Member queried whether the Pension Funding Gap referred to within the report applied to all Police Forces. The Commissioner explained that the Funding Gap was due to the age profile and ranks at retirement for the Force, so it would apply to different degrees for each Force. The Commissioner agreed to circulate a note to the Committee to explain this issue.


RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the report.

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