Agenda item

Outstanding References

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk which set out Outstanding References from previous meetings of the Committee.


OR 1 – Equality & Diversity Lead

A Member asked for confirmation of who had been appointed as the CoLP lead for Equality and Diversity.  The Assistant Commissioner explained that the decision would be made on 9 November, and would be able to confirm this with the Member in due course. (3)


OR 4 - Source of Clothing Stock

A Member explained that the response provided by City Procurement to address this item was not sufficient, and asked for clarification of the adherence to the Social Value Act 2012 in procurement.  The Member agreed to feedback the findings of the Social Value Panel that measures performance of local authorities in this regard. It was agreed that this item be marked as outstanding. (4)


OR 6 – Accommodation of Young People in Custody

The Chairman illustrated his approval that the total outstanding costs had been recovered for the accommodation of young persons in Police custody when local accommodation could not be provided.


OR 10 – Street Triage Funding

The Chairman asked for any update on where funding would be sourced beyond May 2018.  The Commander of Operations advised that there had been a verbal agreement for NHS East London Foundation Trust to continue funding until May 2019.


A Member raised a concern that responses to previous outstanding references were not recorded within the agenda packs, and as such there may not be sufficient opportunity to prevent outstanding references from being marked as closed if responses are not satisfactory.  The Deputy Chairman noted that previously this was the case, but due to the significant additional paperwork it added to the agenda packs, it was not always entirely productive. He suggested that a compromise might be beneficial.  Members agreed that it would be useful to employ a deadline for contributing objections or further queries on all outstanding references before they are marked as complete.  The Town Clerk confirmed that, upon circulation of updates to Members via email, there would be an additional 7 days for Members to submit comments to prevent items from being marked as complete.  If no objections are received within 7 days, items would be automatically marked as complete without further notice. (5)

RESOLVED – That the report be received.


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