Agenda item

Professional Standards & Integrity


The Committee heard a verbal update from the Special Interest Area lead for Professional Standards and Integrity.


The Special Interest Area lead for Professional Standards and Integrity explained to Members that the Director of Professional Standards, Dermont Robinson, was no longer in post and would be replaced by Detective Superintendent Maria Woodall.  She also explained that two new Members had joined the Professional Standards and Integrity Sub-Committee, Common Councilman, Tijs Broeke and external member, Mia Campbell.


The SIA Lead explained that the Professional Standards Department (PSD) was generally operating at full strength, though there was still a desire to increase the number of skilled analysts.


The SIA Lead explained that recent misconduct hearings/cases had been handled very well, citing a drink-driving case that had been fast-tracked to hearing and resolved in an efficient and timely manner.


The SIA Lead made Members aware of the Bad Apple project, which enables 2-way reporting of the misconduct of colleagues.  She explained that since its inception in March 2017, there have been 29 complaints, out of which one misconduct issue has arisen.


The SIA Lead explained that the London Police Challenge Panel had been a useful platform for forces to discuss code of ethics issues.


The Assistant Commissioner explained that a recent HMIC inspection had suggested increased resilience and capacity  in the area of anti-corruption, and the PSD were now looking at capacity in this area..


The Assistant Commissioner declared that the PSD was a very robust outfit, and explained to Members that other forces had called on their services to carry out investigations, cementing their strong reputation.


RESOLVED – That the Special Interest Area lead for Professional Standards and Integrity be heard.