Agenda item

Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Committee


A Member raised a query stating that when trees were planted in the pavements in Queenhithe Ward it was not possible to plant as many as was hoped because of the utilities beneath the pavements and walkways. Since then the cycle way has reduced Upper and Lower Thames Street to one lane in most places through the Ward and this, added to the reduction of traffic speed to 20 mph, has seriously affected air quality (and noise pollution) in access points to residential flats and at various points along the walkways. Residents were now getting restless at what appears to be a lack of real intention to 'green' the environment and it was a major issue at the recent Wardmote.

The Member felt it could harness the phrase in the City Together Strategy that the City was "contributing to a world class City that promotes and enhances our environment".

Officers did not have a detailed response to hand but agreed to provide the Member with a detailed answer via email.