Agenda item

Greening Cheapside: St. Paul's Tube Station Area and St. Peter Westcheap Churchyard Improvements

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.



Members noted that Greening Cheapside project was identified as a high priority in the Cheapside and Guildhall Area Enhancement Strategy (adopted by the City in 2015) with the objective of enhancing greening and re-landscaping in the area. This project was developed with the active support of the Cheapside Business Alliance (CBA) and the Diocese of London. They have been consulted on its development and are in support of the proposals outlined in this report. The CBA has also contributed financially to the project at Gateway 1 and 2 stage, and a further £100,000 contribution to deliver detailed designs for this next stage has been secured.


There are a number of current corporate priorities in the area which the project

would contribute to including improving connections into the emerging Culture

Mile and security of the City. Completed enhancements in the area include

improvements to the former St. Paul’s Churchyard coach park, Festival Gardens

and Carter Lane into accessible gardens, as well as the One New Change

shopping centre and 150 Cheapside developments.


A Gateway 1 and 2 report was approved by Committees in April 2016, and the

project proposes public realm enhancements to two sites: the area around St.

Paul’s tube station and the churchyard of St. Peter Westcheap (Wood Street) as

shown in the location plan in Appendix 1.The environs of St. Paul’s Tube station

is currently congested with poor wayfinding and movement throughout the site, as

well as a lack of seating within close vicinity of St. Paul’s conservation area. St.

Peter Westcheap is located on Wood Street and is populated primarily by

smokers and the associated detritus and smell of cigarette butts. It also contains

limited signage, planting and railings that are in need of restoration. In response to a query it was noted that the railings must be retained due to their historical significance.


The churchyard is a former burial ground containing a number of historic structures

and a historic plane tree protected by a Tree Preservation Order. Both locations

could benefit from enhanced / additional planting to improve the local air quality

and appearance.


Resolved – that Members approve:

(i) Progression of option 2 and 3 for St. Paul’s tube station area to Gateway 4 and

5 (detailed design and implementation) under the ‘regular’ Gateway process.

(ii) Progression of option 1 for St. Peter’s Westcheap churchyard to Gateway 4

and 5 (detailed design and implementation) under the ‘regular’ Gateway process

Supporting documents: