Agenda item

Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in respect of items on the agenda


Mark Wheatley declared a general, non-pecuniary interest in respect of agenda item items 8 and 14  (Special Events and London Landmarks Half Marathon Presentation) by virtue of his position as an independent (non-Trustee) Director of ‘Baby Fun Trading’; a company associated with Tommy’s.


Mrs Vivienne Littlechild, Deputy Chairman, declared a general non-pecuniary interest in respect of agenda items 8 and 14  (Special Events and London Landmarks Half Marathon Presentation)  by virtue of being on Tommy’s Guest List.


Mr Jeremy Simons declared a general non-pecuniary interest in respect of agenda item 14 (London Landmarks Half Marathon Presentation) by virtue of being a Trustee of Dr Johnsons’ House.


Mr Jamie Ingham Clark declared a general non-pecuniary interest in respect of agenda items 5 & 6 (Culture Mile Pop Ups) by virtue of being a Member of the Licensing Sub Committee which had been convened for 24 January 2018 to hear an application in respect of Beech Street Tunnel.    Mr Ingham Clark would withdraw from the meeting during the discussion on these items. 


Mrs Vivienne Littlechild (Deputy Chairman declared a general non-pecuniary interest in respect of agenda items 5 & 6 (Culture Mile Pop Ups) by virtue of being a Local Ward Member who would be attending the Licensing Sub Committee which had been convened for 24 January 2018 to hear an application in respect of Beech Street Tunnel.    Mrs Littlechild would withdraw from the meeting during the discussion on these items. 




           Before the business of the agenda commenced, the Chairman congratulated Mrs Sylvia Moys for being awarded an MBE.


           Members noted that there would be a change in the running order of the agenda in order for Tommy’s presentation on London Landmarks Half Marathon to be taken in public session, directly after agenda item 9 (Special Events on the Highway)