Agenda item


To consider the following appointments:

* Denotes a Member standing for re-appointment.


(A)         One Member on the Community and Children’s Services Committee, for the balance of a term expiring in April 2018.


Nominations received:-

Adrian Mark Bastow


(B)         Four Members on the Board of Governors of the Museum of London, for four-year terms expiring in December 2021.


Nominations received:-

*Vivienne Littlechild, J.P.

Paul Nicholas Martinelli

*Jeremy Paul Mayhew

Wendy Mead, O.B.E.

Judith Lindsay Pleasance

*John George Stewart Scott, J.P.


(C)         One Member on the Mitchell City of London Charity and Educational Foundation, for a five-year term expiring in December 2022.


Nominations received:-

Tom Hoffman, Deputy



(D)         One Member on the Dr Johnson’s House Trust, for a two-year term expiring in December 2019.


Nominations received:-

*Jeremy Lewis Simons



The Court proceeded to consider appointments to the Community and Children’s Services Committee, the Board of Governors of the Museum of London, the Mitchell City of London Charity and Educational Foundation, and the Dr Johnson’s House Trust.


Where appropriate:-

* denotes a Member standing for re-appointment;


(A)      Community and Children’s Services Committee (one vacancy for the balance of a term expiring in April 2018).


Nominations received:-

Adrian Mark Bastow




Whereupon the Lord Mayor declared Adrian Bastow to be appointed to the Community and Children’s Services Committee.


(B)      Board of Governors of the Museum of London (four vacancies for four-year terms expiring in December 2021).


Nominations received:-

*Vivienne Littlechild, J.P.

Paul Nicholas Martinelli

*Jeremy Paul Mayhew

Wendy Mead, O.B.E.

Judith Lindsay Pleasance

*John George Stewart Scott, J.P.




The Court proceeded, in accordance with Standing Order No.10, to ballot on the vacancies. The Lord Mayor appointed the Chief Commoner and the Chairman of the Finance Committee, or their representatives, to be the scrutineers of the ballot.


Resolved – That the votes be counted at the conclusion of the Court and the result printed in the Summons for the next meeting.


(C)      Mitchell City of London Charity and Educational Foundation (one vacancy for a five-year term expiring in December 2022).


          Nominations received:-

          Tom Hoffman, Deputy




Whereupon the Lord Mayor declared Deputy Tom Hoffman to be appointed to the Mitchell City of London Charity and Educational.



(D)      Dr Johnson’s House Trust (one vacancyfor a two-year term expiring in December 2019).


          Nominations received:-

          *Jeremy Lewis Simons




Whereupon the Lord Mayor declared Jeremy Simons to be appointed to the Dr Johnson’s House Trust.