Agenda item

Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in respect of items on the agenda


The Chairman declared a non-pecuniary interest in respect of Agenda Items 8 and 9 in respect of 1&2 Garden Court and 3 Garden Court (Blackstone House) Middle Temple London by virtue of his association with the applicant.  The Deputy Chairman would take the Chair for these items and, as this was the last item of substantive business on the agenda, for the remainder of the meeting.  The Chairman would leave the meeting at this point and would not take part in the debate or vote on items 8 and 9.


Susan Pearson declared a pecuniary interest in respect of agenda item 7 – former Richard Cloudesley School, Golden Lane Estate, as she owns a flat adjacent to the site.  Ms Pearson had been granted a dispensation to speak on this matter but not to vote.