Agenda item

Performance and Resource Management Sub (1 Feb 2018)

To receive


The Committee received the minutes from the last meeting of the Performance and Resource Management Sub-Committee, held on 1 February 2018.


The Chairman of the Sub-Committee explained that there had been a meeting between the Town Clerk, Chamberlain, Commissioner and himself to discuss proposals for future reporting to the Sub-Committee, as referenced at Item 4 – Outstanding References, with a sight to informing the Grand Committee on matters relating to:


       i.        Financial Performance and Budgets

      ii.        Demand and Value for Money

     iii.        Major Projects/Programmes


The Chairman of the Sub-Committee explained that there was detailed discussion on the Chamberlain’s report submitted to the Audit and Risk Management Committee around Police Funding Risk (CR23).  He explained that there was now an improved collaborative working relationship between the City of London Police and the Chamberlain’s department.  The Chairman agreed and illustrated his approval of this.


The Chairman of the Audit and Risk Management Committee explained that the Chamberlain’s report on the Programme Management of the City of London Police would be on the agenda at their next meeting, at the request of one of its Members co-opted to the Performance and Resource Management Sub-Committee.


RESOLVED – That the minutes be received.


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