Agenda item

Outstanding References

Report of the Town Clerk


The Sub-Committee received a report of the Town Clerk that summarised the outstanding actions from previous meetings.


OR1 – Agenda Packs

The Chairman illustrated her approval that the decision to enable reduced restrictions on the agenda packs in the interest of transparency had been finalised, thanking the Director of Professional Standards for her efforts in making this possible.


OR3 – London Police Challenge Forum Minutes

It was agreed by Members that, although this action had not been completed, this was no longer relevant and should be removed.


OR4 – Gifts & Hospitality Report

It was agreed that this would be submitted to the next meeting on 6 June 2018. (1)


OR5 – Body Worn Video (BWV) Demonstration

It was agreed that this would be postponed to the September meeting. (2)


OR7 – LPCF Participation Process

It was agreed that this would be confirmed by the next meeting on 6 June 2018. (3)


OR8 – Force Leadership Changes Update

It was agreed that the Assistant Commissioner would circulate an update on Force Leadership changes on a monthly basis to Members of the Police Committee and its Sub-Committees. (4)


RESOLVED – That the report be received.


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