Agenda item

CBT Business Plan 2018/19

Report of the Chief Grants Officer (CGO) and Director of City Bridge Trust


The Committee considered a report of the Chief Grants Officer and Director of City Bridge Trust presenting the final high-level business plan for City Bridge Trust for 2018/19. The City Bridge Trust was guided by the City of London Corporation’s Corporate Plan and would align with it wherever feasible.  However, the Committee had overseen the development of the City Bridge Trust’s funding strategy and made recommendations to the Court of Common Council for approval. City Bridge Trust aimed to deliver the outcomes of Bridging Divides whilst aligning with the corporate strategy and impacting on corporate outcomes. The Committee noted that following a suggestion from a Member, ‘To use all our financial and non-financial assets, working collaboratively, to achieve our ambitions’ would be changed to an aim instead of an outcome.


In response to a query from a Member, the Chief Grants Officer and Director of City Bridge Trust told the Committee that a number of financial and non-financial methods would be employed to try to achieve the stated aim of reducing inequality and growing more cohesive communities, and that the City Bridge Trust would be working with its learning partner Renaisi to create measurable outcomes for the aims and objectives of the business plan. The Committee gave thanks to Scott Nixon, Head of Projects, for his work on the business plan.


RESOLVED: That, subject to amending the bullet point mentioned above from an outcome to an aim, the Committee approve the City Bridge Trust’s final high-level business plan for 2018/19.



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