Agenda item

Refresh of Draft Medium Term Financial Plan up to 2022/23

Joint report of the Chamberlain and the Commissioner of Police


The Committee received a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Commissioner that provided Members with an update on the Draft Medium Term Financial Plan submitted in December 2017.


The Commissioner assured Members that the assumptions made at the time of the December meeting were still valid.


The Chamberlain explained that this report represented the current best estimate of the financial position of the City of London Police but there remained significant uncertainties, reflected in the late emergence of a significant underspend in the 2017/18 budget.  He noted that there was therefore a need to increase understanding through a task group review of key budget assumptions.


The Chamberlain explained that the underspend meant that there had been no drawdown of the reserves in 2017/18.  The increased reserve level of £7m would cover the forecast deficit of £3.5m in 2018/19 and all but £0.7m of the forecast deficit for 2019/20. 


The Chamberlain noted that the total Police projected capital funding requirement of £32m was significant and, if agreed, would underline the strong support from the City Corporation.


The Commissioner explained that the issue of Police funding would likely continue and be addressed at the Resource Allocation Sub-Committee Away Day.  He noted that the demand was growing across policing, and that CoLP were the first force to carry out a full Strategic Threat and Risk Assessment (STRA) in order to inform its resourcing demands.  He explained that he was currently holding significant risk and, whilst accepting the comments of the Chamberlain and the support given by the City Corporation, he was obliged to raise the issue of increased Premium funding once again.  The Commissioner noted that every other Police force in the country had benefitted from a rise in council tax via Police and Crime Commissioners.


A Member noted paragraph 8 of the report, which highlighted staff efficiencies made under the Transform Programme, and reiterated that the Police Committee always supported the Commissioner’s requests with regards to operational risks.  He explained that the argument perhaps not readily accepted by other Committees was that, although efficiencies are supported by the Committee in every instance, there will always be the likelihood of risks that require additional resource on top of efficiencies, and that these too should be fully supported.


RESOLVED – That the report be received.


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