Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Verbal Update

Director of Community & Children's Services to be heard


The Group heard a verbal update from the Health and Wellbeing Team on their activities since the last meeting of the Group in February 2018.


The Health and Wellbeing Team representative explained that there had not been a Health & Wellbeing Board meeting since the last update and so no written report was submitted.


The Health and Wellbeing Team representative explained that the Suicide Action plan would be submitted to the next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board and was currently on track.


The Health and Wellbeing Team representative explained that the Street Triage now had funding secured for operation 7 nights a week.  The Chairman illustrated his approval of this. The Representative explained that they were currently exploring funding avenues with the City of London Police, and that the scheme would go live on 10 June.


The Chairman asked if there was a decline in the number of suicides.  The Health and Wellbeing Team representative explained that it was hard to measure suicide trends as the total numbers were very low.  The Chairman noted this and asked if attempted suicides were measured and found to be decreasing.  The Health and Wellbeing Team representative explained that significant work was being done by Hackney Council which could provide a good idea of this.  She explained that it would be known by the next Suicide Prevention Strategy meeting in 6 months.  The Chairman illustrated his concern that there is only an awareness of the figures up to 2016 and suggested that it would be useful to have an update on the progress of this at the next meeting. (1) The Commissioner of Police explained that they would be very interested in working with the Health and Wellbeing Team in this area.  He explained that in many cases the media’s promotion of suicide hotspots has a detrimental effect.  He explained that the Street Triage being expanded to 7 nights a week will have a significant impact.


The City Businesses Representative noted the increase in the number of roof gardens and asked whether the potential danger of these was a planning consideration.  The Commissioner explained that this was considered by City’s planners, with officers working specifically on this on a daily basis.


The Community Safety Manager asked if there was any update on work around violent crime.  The Health and Wellbeing Team representative explained that a plan around Gun and Knife Crime was currently being worked on, with publication expected soon.


The Chairman requested that an update on both rough sleepers and the Drug & Alcohol Task and Finish Group be brought to the next meeting. (2) The Community Safety Manager explained that a meeting about rough sleepers had taken place the week before this meeting.  The Chairman asked if POCA funding could be used in this area.  The Commissioner explained that POCA funds had been allocated at this stage.  The Chairman noted that 10% of POCA funding was agreed to be allocated to the Safer City Partnership’s activities.  The Town Clerk suggested that an update on rough sleepers be provided at every meeting.  The Commissioner confirmed that significant joint working on rough sleepers was ongoing.


The Chairman thanked the Health and Wellbeing Team representative for their contribution and requested that a written update be submitted by the Health and Wellbeing Team to every Safer City Partnership Strategy Group meeting. (3)


RESOLVED – That the Health and Wellbeing Team be heard.