Agenda item

Cyclical Works Programme Bid 2019/20

Report of the City Surveyor.


The Committee considered a report of the City Surveyor regarding the cyclical works programme bid 2019/20 and the following points were made:


·         Members were advised that the report provided a provisional list of cyclical projects being considered for the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Division in 2019/20 under the umbrella of the “Cyclical Works Programme” (CWP).


·         It was noted that the draft Actual Cyclical Project List for 2019/20 totals approximately £933,700 and that Members views were being sought regarding whether the projects in the Actual List and Reserve List reflect the service requirements of the Division before going to the HHHWQPC.


·         A Member noted that reference to the Sandy Heath Staff Yard was incorrect and should be removed.


·          In response to a query regarding whether the dams project had led to the extra expenditure, Members were advised that this was required based on the outcomes from routine annual inspection.


·         A Member noted that the refurbished toilets at Golders Hill Park were a significant improvement and requested that similar work take place at ? (missed this). The Superintendent advised that toilets were a priority with the City Surveyor. A Member noted that there was a leakage/cess pit on the path to the toilet causing a bad smell and the team agreed to look into this concern.


·         In response to a query regarding netting on the bank, the Superintendent advised that black net reinforcement was put in as protection for turf grown on compost but that dry weather had disintegrated it. Localised repairs and topdressing would take place in autumn. A Member recommended using green netting and eco-turf which was thicker and the Superintendent agreed to discuss this with the engineers.


·         A Member regarded two structures as ugly and queried if these could be softened by ivy. The Superintendent noted that discussions were taking place concerning how to screen the pillars which are used for power. A Member suggested using hedges.


·         In response to a query regarding the frequency of desilting the ponds at the Heath, Members were advised that there was currently a three-year pot available for desilting but that funding for a bigger pot was currently being explored. A full study of all ponds to work out the full cycle of desilting is planned as part of the Wetland Strategy to inform the ongoing project of work to be planned with the City Surveyor.


·         A Member noted that the amount given in the top right text box in the Welcome to Hampstead Heath diagram was incorrect and needed edited to £65,000.


RESOLVED – that:-


·         Members of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee, the Highgate Wood Consultative Group and the Queen’s Park Consultative Group note the report and provide feedback on the provisional list of cyclical projects being considered for the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Division in 2019/20;


·         The views of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee, the Highgate Wood Consultative Group and the Queen’s Park Consultative Group be conveyed to the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood & Queen’s Park Committee.


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