Agenda item

Licensing Business Plan 2017-2020

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection providing an update on the Licensing Business Plan 2017-2020. The following comments were made.


·         The Chairman queried what action was being taken to resolve the glum face performance indicator of performing below the target. The Committee were advised that despite resources being put into increasing the number of application received for the Safety Thirst Award Scheme, the target of 70 applications was not achieved for 2017-18. Renewed efforts would be made with the aim of reaching the target this year.


·         A Chairman queried the phrasing of “to be progressed” for objective 6 and highlighted the importance of the Committee knowing how and when this would be done in advance. Members were advised that consultation had not yet started so an update would not be available until work began in September.


·         A Member requested a timetable for objective 8 regarding enhancing systems to permit members of the public to apply for licences online. The Committee were advised that the Licensing Team were already trialling a new system.


·         A Member requested a that the Committee be provided with a copy of the Late Night Levy consultation and the opportunity for Members to provide input. A Member queried whether the levy had provided a prevention of crime and disorder in the City since its implementation stating that it was important for the Committee to know the impact and effectiveness of the levy.


·         A Member noted that more effort was required for the Committee to receive regular ongoing updates on impact and timings and felt that Members should receive the draft impact report before it is finalised. The Committee was advised that more regular updates on progress should be provided on a quarterly basis.


·         A Member suggested asking premises that were not open after midnight whether they would if there was no levy.


·         A Member stated that not all licensed premises were asked to take part in the Safety Thirst Award Scheme and it was noted that Ward Members used to receive a list of which premises had participated or not. The Chairman noted that the Committee was not a ward committee as all wards were not represented but agreed that all Common Councilmen Members should receive a list so it was known who was not participating so they could be encouraged to do so. The Assistant Director of Public Protection agreed to share this information.


·         The Assistant Director of Public Protection advised members that the deadline had been extended and was now flexible in an attempt to encourage more input, with the ceremony due to take place in October.


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