Agenda item

Housing Update and Risk Register (including Waiting List Detail)

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which provided the 6-monthly update on progress against key areas of work, covering October 2017 to March 2018.


During the discussion, the following points were noted:


  • The Head of Estates advised that the meeting of the Community and Children’s Service Committee in September 2018 would receive a more detailed report. in a revised format; i.e. less block text and more ‘dash board’.  In the interim, Members were invited to comment on how they would like to see the information presented. 


  • The current maximum Right to Buy discount was capped at £108,000 but, given the market value of properties in the City, this was still beyond the reach of many tenants.  Members noted that some applications were subsequently withdrawn if tenants were unable to get mortgages. A small number of fraudulent applications had been detected at an early stage. 


  • In respect of target scores, Members would find it helpful if future reports provided a better explanation on repairs and maintenance performance.  The Assistant Director, Barbican & Property Services offered a Member Briefing on performance indicators, which would explain the detail behind the data.    Officers carried out random checks on contractor returns and Members were encouraged to provide feedback. 


  • Members noted that tendering was underway for the new Repairs and Maintenance Contract and the Residents’ Working Group would be fully engaged.


  • The Community and Children’s Services Committee in September would receive a full report on the Mais House demolition and rebuild. The type of properties that would become available would be known later in the year. 


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted. 


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