Agenda item

Appointment of Co-opted Members

(B) Appointment of Co-opted Members – To consider the re-appointment of two co-opted Members to the Committee.

For Decision



18 May 2018

(b) Co-opted Member Appointments

The terms of office of two current co-opted Members of the Standards Committee were due to expire in December 2018. Although both co-optees were eligible for reappointment for a second and final four-year term of office, it was proposed that one reappointment be for a three-year period at this stage, in order to better regulate the terms of office of the co-opted members of the Committee. The Court was therefore recommended to reappoint Dan Large and Mark Greenburgh as co-opted Members of the Standards Committee, for a four-year and a three-year term of office respectively, to commence from the expiry of their current terms in December 2018.


In reply to a question from Benjamin Murphy, the Chairman assured the Court that diversity and inclusion would be at the forefront of the Committee’s approach when considering potential appointees to the outstanding co-opted Member vacancy on the Committee. However, he cautioned that application levels for such posts had historically been low and the Committee might therefore be limited in its options. The Chairman subsequently urged Members to encourage good quality prospective candidates they might be aware of to apply.


Responding to a further question from Marianne Fredericks, the Chairman confirmed that co-opted Members were subject to the same rules as elected Members in respect of the management of potential conflicts and declarations of interests. In addition, the Committee was able to consider additional background information and request information and disclosures relating to any historic convictions or offences.


Resolved – That Dan Large and Mark Greenburgh be reappointed as co-opted Members of the Standards Committee, for a four-year and a three-year term of office respectively, to commence from the expiry of their current terms in December 2018.


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