Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent


Members had discussed the scope of the Community and Children’s Services Committee’s Terms of Reference at their last meeting on 8th May 2019.  The Town Clerk advised that a recommendation would be made, to the Community and Children’s Services and the Policy and Resources Committees, to include a reference to development within existing estates.


Members considered the Allocated Members list (referred to in agenda item 10) and this year’s allocation was agreed as follows:





Avondale Square (Southwark), including Harman Close


William Pimlott


Small Estates:

Isleden House (Islington); Windsor House (Hackney)


Peter Bennett 

Golden Lane (City)



Barbara Newman


Holloway & York Way (Islington)


Mary Durcan 

Middlesex Street (City) & Dron House/

Spitalfields (Tower Hamlets)


Jason Pritchard


South Bank Estates:

Southwark Blocks (Southwark)

William Blake (Lambeth)


Deputy Rev. Stephen Haines

City of London & Gresham Almshouses (Lambeth)

Sue Pearson

Sydenham Hill:

Lammas Green/Otto Close


John Fletcher




Given there were 3 new Members on the Sub Committee, the Chairman suggested that a further programme of visits to the Estates be organised.