Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 8 October 2018.


The Committee noted that Sir Brian Langstaff was referred to in places as ‘Sir Langstaff’ and this should be amended so that he was referred to as Sir Brian Langstaff consistently.


The Committee noted that the church referred to on page 10 was a Welsh Church and not a Jewish Church, and that this should be amended.


RESOLVED – That, pending the above corrections, the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 8 October 2018 be agreed as a correct record.


Matters Arising


With regards to the application relating to Great Arthur House considered at the meeting of the Committee on 11 September, a Member asked officers for an update on the issue raised regarding the ceiling height in one of the units.


The Chief Planning Officer and Development Director responded that one room in one of the units had a ceiling height lower than the guideline height. The Department of Community and Children’s Services, as the applicant, was investigating how to deal with this and may need revised planning consent later on.

Supporting documents: