Agenda item

Outstanding References

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee received a list of outstanding references.


Ludgate Circus

There were no further updates since the last meeting of the Committee. Another meeting with TfL was scheduled before the end of the year which the Deputy Chairman would attend.


Lane Rental

A report was due to be presented to the December meeting of the Committee.


Blackfriars Bridge Underpass

The Director of the Built Environment advised Members that officers had visited the site with Members from the Ward and Members of the Port Health & Environmental Services Committee to review the work done by TfL. Whilst the subway itself belonged to TfL the Corporation was responsible for cleaning the underpass. The lighting and tiling had been replaced and it had been concluded that the repairs were to an acceptable standard.


A Member responded that there were still intermittent problems, including with the lighting, and this had been raised with officers. There was some work still to do be done and it was asked that the item be kept on the outstanding references list.


Wind Measurement on Tall Buildings

A report was due to be presented to the December meeting of the Committee.



A report was due to be presented to the November meeting of the Committee.


A Member said that the issue of policy and enforcement needed to be addressed. A lot of vents were aimed at pedestrians and this was knowingly permitted then it should be stopped, as it was unlikely that there was no alternative.


The Chairman advised that the report would also go to the Port health & Environmental Services Committee. A Member added that kitchen flumes were not sufficiently cleaned, creating bad smells and also creating a fire hazard.

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