Agenda item

Bloomberg European Headquarters wins the 2018 Stirling Prize

Report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director.


The Committee received a report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director informing Members that Bloomberg’s European Headquarters at 3 Queen Victoria Street had won the RIBA Stirling prize for architecture. The Chairman advised Members that the reconstruction of the Roman Temple of Mithras, hosted within the building had also received an award for Best Public Presentation of Archaeology at the British Archaeological Awards.


The Chairman praised the unique building’s incredible design and sustainability. A Member stated that the inside of the building was also spectacular and recommended a Planning & Transportation Committee Members visit to the building. The Chairman supported this suggestion and asked officers to look into arranging a visit for Members, although Members were advised that the building could not accommodate the next Committee dinner.


A Member queried when the underground exit would be opened, and commended the leap of faith taken in using fresh air rather than an Air Conditioning system for temperature control throughout the building. With the upcoming challenges of climate change, if this proved efficient in summer and winter it would provide great evidence and an example for others to follow. The Director of the Built Environment responded that the underground exit would be open in approximately one month and officers would try to get further details from TfL about a possible opening ceremony.


The Committee gave thanks to officers for helping the building come to fruition and congratulated architects Foster & Partners on their success.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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