Agenda item

Major Works Progress Report

A report of the Director Community and Children’s Services.


 Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which provided an update on progress with the Housing Major Works Programme and advised Members on issues affecting the progress of individual schemes.


Members noted that, due to backlogs in fire door testing in the UK, officers had sourced an alternative testing facility in Poland, which was both quicker and cheaper; potentially doing the testing within a period of 4-6 weeks as opposed to 4-6 months.  In relation to the doors at Great Arthur House and the listed building aspects, planning officers are content with the Department’s approach and a business case was being prepared for approval.  The Assistant Director was confident that Great Arthur House’s fire doors would be tested early in the new year and Members noted that they would be replaced in a complementary design, subject to any upgrades.  Future fireproofing measures relate to the entire door set and empty flats would be used for prototypes wherever possible. The Assistant Director advised that residents were receiving updates via monthly emails and flyers. 


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.


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