Agenda item

Police Property Act Fund Nominations

Report of the Town Clerk.


Members considered a report of the Town Clerk regarding Police Property Act Fund Nominations. The Chairman noted that a surplus had meant that a fund surplus had allowed an increased contribution of £1,700 to each of the proposed charities, except the National Police Memorial Day where a specific amount of £2,130 had been requested by the National Police Chiefs Council Lead.


RESOLVED, that Members note the report and agree a one-off payment to the following charities,


·         Care of Police Survivors - £1,700

·         Royal Humane Society - £1,700

·         Sheriffs’ and Recorder’s Fund - £1,700

·         First Aid Nursing Yeomanry - £1,700

·         London Air Ambulance - £1,700

·         City of London Police Widows’ and Orphans’ Fund - £1,700

·         City of London Police Charity for Children - £1,700

·         St Mungo’s - £1,700

·         Working Chance - £1,700

·         National Police Memorial Day - £2,130



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