Agenda item

Annual review of Terms of Reference

Report of the Town Clerk.  


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk on the annual review of the West Ham Park Committee’s Terms of Reference. The Chairman queried whether the Committee’s Terms of Reference should be amended at this time to allow an alternative representative in place of one of the London Borough of Newham representatives, consistent with the original conveyance from the Gurney family. The Director of Open Spaces highlighted the effect the Will of the late John Gurney had on the Committee’s Terms of Reference which may limit the scope of adjustment which can be made. The Chairman decided that a further year be given to assess whether the number of representatives from Newham was appropriate.


It was questioned by a Member whether a specific mention of nursery land was required within the Committee’s Terms of Reference. The Director of Open Spaces confirmed that the nursery land was contained within the curtilage of West Ham Park and therefore did not feel a specific addition in the Terms of Reference was required.


It was raised that Robert Cazenove was incorrectly designated ‘Heir at Law’, within the Terms of Reference, and confirmed that this should be corrected to designate Richard Gurney as the ‘Heir at Law’.




I.             That the terms of reference of the West Ham Park Committee, subject to the comments made, be approved for submission to the Court of Common Council in April; and

II.            That any further changes required in the lead up to the Court’s appointment of Committees be delegated to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.


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