Agenda item

Questions on matters relating to the work of the committee


A Member advised the Committee that the closure to Bank Junction had resulted in eastbound traffic increasingly using Lothbury and Bartholomew Lane, which was creating conflict with pedestrians. Whilst there was not necessarily an obvious solution, the Member asked that officers fully investigate the impact on eastbound traffic following the changes to Bank Junction. The Chairman suggested that the issue be added to the Committee’s list of outstanding actions. The Deputy Chairman added that the City of London Corporation was alive to the impact of measures on safety, but that congestion should be a lower priority than pedestrian safety.


A Member asked officers to circulate updates on Crossrail and the Illuminated River project to all Committee Members, in case either were raised at the annual Wardmotes, most of which were taking place that week.


A Member raised the issue of Air Quality, which had been considered at Court of Common Council and a number of other Committees. The matter was something for the Committee to look at specifically and the Member suggested that either a report be brought to the Committee or that Air Quality be added to the Committee’s list of outstanding actions. The Deputy Chairman added that Members had made it clear that the Committee wanted some form of oversight on the matter and saw Air Quality as an issue relevant to the Committee.