Agenda item

Any Other Business That The Chairman Considers Urgent


Appointment of Co-opted Member

The Chairman updated the Committee on the latest position in respect of certain discussions which had taken place with regard to the arrangements to be in place with Her Majesty’s Courts & Tribunals Service (HMCTS) and the Ministry of Justice in respect of the new Courts building and the City Corporation’s involvement. These were with particular reference to the ongoing maintenance arrangements, as well as the rights and jurisdiction of the Recorder, Lord Mayor, and Sheriffs.


Given his particular interest in this matter, together with his background and extensive experience with the judiciary, it was proposed that Oliver Sells Q.C. should be co-opted on to this Committee to facilitate his input on these matters. This appointment would be for a period of one year.


RESOLVED: That Oliver Sells Q.C. be co-opted to the Capital Buildings Committee for a one-year term, to expire at the end of March 2020.