Agenda item

Open Spaces Department, City Gardens and West Ham Park Risk Management

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces on the management of risks faced by the Open Spaces Department. The Director noted that each of the Superintendents of the City of London Corporation managed open spaces had been asked to look into efficacies in their departments.


It was noted by a Member that non-impactful efficiencies were no longer possible and any future reductions would likely have an adverse effect on the services. The Chairman agreed with this point and asked Officers to properly inform Members of any future developments.


 RESOLVED- that: -

      I.        The overall risk summaries at Appendix 2 be noted; and

    II.        That the Departmental risk register as outlined in this report and at Appendix 3 be approved; and

   III.        That the City Gardens elements of the City Gardens and West Ham Park risk register at Appendix 4 be approved; and

  IV.        That the removal of OSD 008 – IT System Failure from the Departmental risk register be approved; and

    V.        That the risk history report at Appendix 5 be noted.

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