Agenda item

Police Response to Resolution - Late Night Levy Finances

Report of the City of London Police.


The Committee received a resolution from the Police Committee and a report of the City of London Police in response to a resolution from the Licensing Committee concerning the Late Night Levy finances and police expenditure. The following comments were made:


·       Members were advised that following the last Committee meeting, an investigation was made looking into potential overspend. It was confirmed that the underspend was not carried forward, but funds were absorbed by Police costs on Levy issues.


·       Following changes in governance, a new robust system has been implemented which would involve a far more detailed analysis between the Corporation and the COL Police. This would include a regular meeting chaired by Chief Superintendent Maleary and had senior Licensing Officer representation.


·       It was confirmed that in future, any underspend would be put back into the Levy.


·       In response to a query regarding the actual expenditure items in the Late Night Levy accounts table, Members were advised that:


o   “Additional officer” concerned costs for a Police Constable.

o   “Christmas” was the annual Christmas campaign costs.

o   “New Year’s Eve” was the annual New Year’s Eve campaign costs.

o   “Licensing operations (Various)” covered licensing business.

o   Alcoblow devices” regarded breathalysers used on licensed premises doors to test that people were fit to drive.

o   “Evidence gathering” concerned covert deployments in licensed premises.

o   “Reassurance patrols” covered extra Police patrols needed in the event of an emergency, e.g. a terrorist attack.

o   “Covert investigations” concerned the costs of covert investigations.

o   “Street Pastor scheme” was a Friday night project in the City.

o   “SOS Bus” was a night time project providing support and first aid to the public.

o   “Smithfield Market Xmas safety marshalls – 50%” and “Xmas Advertising campaign” covered costs specifically regarding public safety during the Christmas period.

o   The COL Police agreed to confirm the meaning of “Increased trader resources”.


·       A Member recommended rolling out advertising and communications in the City regarding sexual harassment and assault.


·       A Member questioned what the position was concerning the Licensing Inspector role discussed at the last meeting. Members were advised that the position had been approved at the Senior Management Team meeting three weeks ago and that funding for the position had been agreed. The role was now going out to recruitment and an update would be brought to the next Committee meeting.


·       Members agreed that an update on the Late Night Levy expenditure would come to the Committee annually and requested that a key box be included explaining what the expenditure was.


·       It was agreed that Licensing Committee suggestions for Late Night Levy spend would be brought to newly set up Police Group by senior Licensing Officers.




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