Agenda item

Southwark Bridge South Viaduct Waterproofing

Report of the Director of the Department of the Built Environment.


The Committee considered a Gateway 3/4 Options Appraisal report of the Director of the Built Environment regarding Southwark Bridge South Viaduct Waterproofing.




1)    Approval be given to include waterproofing works to the north approach viaduct within the scope of works and to change the project name accordingly to “Southwark Bridge Approach Viaducts Waterproofing”.

2)    Authority be given to progress the design to Gateway 5 and invite tenders for the work.

3)    Approval be given for £134,000 funding (from identified sums within the Bridge House Estates BHE 50-year Repair & Maintenance Fund) to proceed to Gateway 5.

4)    Approval be given for the project budget of £1,725,000 including the Costed Risk Provision of £200,000, on the basis of recommended option 2.

5)    Authority be given for delegated authority to be given to Chief Officer at Gateway 5 to appoint the successful tenderer and to instruct the Comptroller and City Solicitor to enter into contract, should tenders be returned within budget.

6)    Authority be given for delegated authority to be given to Chief Officer following Gateway 5 to expend identified sums from the project risk register against specified risks.

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