Agenda item

Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Committee


In response to a question about the timing of Committee meetings, a Member suggested that early evening meetings, commencing around 6.30pm, would be more inclusive for working Members and residents wishing to attend.   Members felt that as this would also impact on officers, they too should be consulted.  The Chairman advised that he had discussed this matter with the Town Clerk and, whilst it would be feasible, Members should be surveyed in the first instance to see if there was an appetite for such a change, to be trialled as a pilot by the Community and Children’s Services Committee.


Some Members expressed that they would oppose such a pilot.   On being put to a vote, 9 voted for and 6 against holding a survey of Members.  In the event of a majority vote in favour, the Town Clerk would bring a short report to the next meeting of the Committee, exploring the implications.


In response to a question in respect of recent publicity about accommodation for homeless families, Members would receive a report at the next committee, providing a breakdown of temporary accommodation available and currently in use.