Agenda item

Proposal to Convene a Finance Sub-Committee

Report of the Town Clerk.


Members agreed to vary the order of items on the agenda so that Item 9 was considered next. The Board therefore considered a report of the Town Clerk outlining a proposal to convene a Finance Sub-Committee for the 2019-20 academic year and the following points were made.


·         The Chairman noted that he would chair the Finance Sub-Committee in the interim period before a dedicated Finance Chairman was appointed at the October 2019 Board of Governors meeting.


·         The composition of the Finance-Sub Committee should be expanded by one to allow all interested Governors to serve.




·         The Finance (City of London School for Girls) Sub-Committee be convened for the 2019-20 academic year.


·         The terms of reference and composition of the Finance (City of London School for Girls) Sub-Committee be approved, subject to the comments made.


·         The following appointments be made to the Finance (City of London School for Girls) Sub-Committee:


o   Nicholas Bensted-Smith (Chairman)

o   Deputy Clare James

o   Randall Anderson

o   Peter Bennett

o   Alderman Emma Edhem

o   Alderman Prem Goyal

o   Deputy Richard Regan

o   Sir Michael Snyder

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