Agenda item


To consider the following Resolution from the Ward of Farringdon Within and refer it to officers for action, with a report on progress to be provided within three months.


This Wardmote notes the dangers caused by cycle tour groups in narrow, semi-pedestrianised areas of the City. Despite discussions with City of London representatives, the operators of such tour groups do not appear to have made any substantial changes. There are reports of cyclists colliding with residents, but such collisions have not been recorded. Cycle convoys are seen to travel at speed through narrow cobbled lanes and have been crossing busy roads at unsafe points with participants, including children, not wearing any safety protection.


There is a risk of serious injury to both participants and pedestrians and the Wardmote therefore urges the Planning and Transportation Committee to undertake an urgent review of the terms of licences for such tour groups and confirm the actions that will be taken to improve safety.


The Wardmote further urges the Committee to work with the City of London Police on enforcement measures against cyclists who contravene the Highway Code, to safeguard the interests of pedestrians and other road users.”



The Committee formally received the Wardmote Resolution from the Ward of Farringdon Within concerning cycle tour groups in narrow, semi pedestrianised areas of the City.


The Committee noted that the corporate risk of Road Safety was to be discussed later on the agenda and that this matter appeared to be a sub-set of this. It was therefore decided that the specifics of this should be discussed in the round, under Item 13.


Two Members, one of whom was elected to represent the Ward of Farringdon Within on the Committee, expressed their support for the resolution and suggested that the conduct of these groups in these areas was unacceptable. One Member provided some further context to the resolution, reporting that these groups were frequently observed in Carter Lane and other, similar, very narrow streets and had led to incidents with pedestrians.  


Another Member commented that this should fall under the Transport Strategy and should be addressed, alongside the City of London Police, in terms of behaviours.