Agenda item

Epping Forest and The Commons Risk Management Report

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces on the Epping Forest and Commons Risk Management Report. The report provided Members with an update on the management of risks undertaken by the Open Spaces Department and the Epping Forest and the Commons Divisions.



  1. The Epping Forest Risk Register included at Appendix 2 be approved; and
  2. That the Commons Risk Register included at Appendix 3, including the removal of one green risk be approved; and
  3. The addition of one amber risk to The Commons Risk Register be approved; and
  4. The Corporate Risk Matrix at Appendix 1 and the Current and Target Risk Score Grids for Epping Forest and The Commons at Appendices 4 and 5 be noted; and
  5. The Risk History report at Appendix 6 be noted.



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