Agenda item

Responses to Resolutions from Wardmotes: Golden Lane Estate - TO FOLLOW

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services, which sought to address a Wardmote Resolution concerning the Golden Lane Estate. Members noted an options table, for which there was currently no funding available. The Chairman asked Members to consider this response and, if satisfied, forward a response and action plan to the Ward Mote.


Members carefully considered the options set out in the report.  During the discussion, the following points were noted:


-        Whilst accepting the need for some expenditure, Members accepted that this might be to the detriment of other projects, particularly in terms of the Fundamental Review.  Therefore, officers would need a helpful steer as to what could reasonably be taken forward.


-        Officers were asked to liaise with Golden Lane residents as to the shape and form of consultation, being mindful of budgetary issues.  Officers had only recently become aware that residents had conducted their own consultation. 


-        Whether it would it be possible to undertake a fact finding exercise within the existing budget.


-        Officers were asked to speak to the Culture Mile Team and the Department of the Built Environment about the footfall study conducted for Crossrail.


-        Whether the cost of the Gates option was somewhat excessive and could a simple inventory be taken?


-        Could the application for the adoption of the public pedestrian highways, by the Highways Department, be taken forward at a relatively low cost.


RESOLVED, that – the approach as set out above be agreed and the results be communicated to the Wardmote, along with the Comments from this meeting.


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