Agenda item

Highgate Wood and Queen's Park Café Update

Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.


Members considered an update report of the Superintendent regarding the Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Café’s and the following points were made.


·         The Superintendent noted that the Highgate Wood Café was currently operated by Hoxton Beach under a tenancy at will. Longer term, a tender would be launched offering a longer lease period. The methodology for assessing bids could be shared with the Group, and there was potential for members of the Group to be involved in the tender interview process.


·         The Superintendent noted that the Queen’s Park Consultative Group had at its meeting earlier that day highlighted the risk of tenders providing an excellent presentation but then failing to deliver on their promised level of service.


·         In response to a comment, the Superintendent agreed to liaise with a counterpart at the Barbican Centre regarding their catering offer.


·         In response to a question, the Superintendent noted that a longer tenancy period would allow for more investment from the successful tenant.


·         The Superintendent noted that a ban on single use plastics had been included in the tender brief.


RESOLVED, that the report be received and the revised tender timeline (concluding March 2020) be noted.

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