Agenda item

Appointment of Co-opted Members

(B)  Appointment of Co-opted Members – to consider the appointment of two individuals and an associated temporary amendment to the Standards Committee’s composition.

For Decision



4 October 2019

(B) Appointment of Co-opted Members

The Standards Committee currently comprised sixteen Members, four of whom were co-opted. Following the introduction of the Localism Act 2011, Co-opted Members were no longer a statutory requirement and had no formal vote; however, the City of London Corporation had agreed to their inclusion on the Committee to maximise the breadth of knowledge and experience available.


There was currently one co-opted member vacancy on the Standards Committee, in the room of Mark Greenburgh. However, on this occasion, the appointment panel had been of the view that two candidates (The Very Revd. Dr. David Ison and Elizabeth Walters) interviewed extremely well and that both would be an asset to the Committee. With this in mind, the Committee was recommending a temporary expansion of the Standards Committee (from a total of 16 to 17 Members and a total of five as opposed to four Co-optees) to allow for both to be appointed. This proposal had also been considered and approved by the Policy and Resources Committee.


Resolved – That:-

1.      The Very Revd. Dr. David Ison and Elizabeth Walters be appointed to serve as Co-opted Members of the Standards Committee (the latter for a term of 2 years, to complete the balance of Mr Greenburgh’s term of office, expiring in December 202, and the former for an initial term of office of 3 years, expiring in December 2022).

2.      The temporary expansion of the size of the Standards Committee, from 16 to 17 Members, be approved to accommodate a total of five as opposed to four Co-opted Members for a period of a maximum of 3 years, until December 2022.

Supporting documents: