Agenda item

Barbican Strategic Plan

Report of the Managing Director.



The Board considered a report of the Managing Director presenting the revised draft Strategic Plan.


Members were advised that the Strategic Plan required creative revision and a rigorous process including two Away Days were undertaken to bring a new conviction to the Plan. The revised Plan has four new values and revised priorities which were compatible with the City Corporation’s Corporate Plan.


The Chairman suggested highlighting that the space provided an environment that benefitted people’s health and wellbeing. Members added that there was no mention of the Centre as a destination or its accessibility. Members were advised that these factors would be built into the KPIs.


A Member recommended editing the description under the value “open” to provide clarity.


In response to a query regarding the KPIs, Members were advised that a list was in development with finance to be a one page document.


RESOLVED – That Members:


·         note the factors taken into consideration in compiling the Barbican’s revised draft Strategic Plan;


·         approve, subject to the incorporation of any changes sought by this Committee, the draft Strategic Plan and associated processes.

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