Agenda item



Henry Colthurst indicated his willingness to stand for Chairman. With no other Panel member expressing a willingness to serve, Henry Colthurst was duly appointed Chairman.


Welcomes, Introductions and Meeting Management

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming all present, including both elected Members and members of the public in the public gallery. He also took the opportunity to introduce formally the Panel members and those Officers present.


The Chairman went on to refer to the front sheet of the agenda pack which served as a reminder to all that meetings of the City of London Corporation could be the subject of audio or video recording. He reported that he had received prior notice of the fact that this morning’s meeting would be video recorded, both by a public attendee and also by the City Corporation’s own Media Team.


The Chairman took the opportunity to highlight that the organisation did have a Filming Protocol in place which was available on the public website and asked that this Protocol was respected by all in terms of not disturbing the conduct of the meeting and focusing cameras only on Members and Officers directly involved in today’s proceedings.


The Chairman concluded by referring to the fact that, for meeting management purposes, comments from the public gallery were not permitted and that, in accordance with Standing Order 35 (1), no elected Member in attendance who was not a member of this Sub-Committee was permitted to speak on any matter under consideration without his permission.