Agenda item

Department of the Built Environment Risk Management - Quarterly Report

Report of the Director of the Built Environment.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment providing Members with assurance that risk management procedures in place within the Department of the Built Environment are satisfactory and that they meet the requirements of the corporate Risk Management Framework.


A Member queried whether the work being undertaken around freight consolidation could be referenced as a mitigation under the Road Danger Reduction risk. Officers undertook to raise this when the risk register was next reviewed.


Another Member referred to the risk associated with major projects and key programmes not being delivered as TfL funding was not received and questioned why the target risk rating attached to this seemed to be worse than the current risk rating. He noted that there were also four other risks within the register where the target risk rating was intended to stay the same as the current risk rating – he questioned whether this was the correct approach. Officers clarified that risk targets were based on corporate risk appetite and that whilst they would accept a worse position in relation to this particular risk, they were not intending worse. Members were also informed that TfL funding was cyclical and that the current risk score reflected where the department happened to be within that cycle at present.


Officers went on to report that, at present, the organisation was doing well in terms of LIP funding and were therefore comfortable with a higher risk around this. They added that the organisation was fortunate enough to have other income streams to make it so that TfL funding was not critical. The Member accepted this explanation but asked that this be detailed against the risk so that the document did not give the impression that there was ambition for a worse position.


RESOLVED – That Members note the report and the actions taken in the Department of the Built Environment to monitor and manage effectively risks arising from the department’s operations.



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